This Alarm cable hps940 Kymco Agility Fiddle Kymco Sym Mio Sym 4-stroke patrolline fits the following scooters
Kymco Agility 10 Inch 4T 2007-2011 GY-6
Kymco Agility 12 Inch 4T 2007-2011 GY-6
Kymco Agility 50 RT 16 Inch 4T 2010-2011 GY-6
SYM Cello
SYM Fiddle 2
SYM Fiddle 3
SYM Mio 50 4T
SYM Orbit
SYM Orbit 2
SYM Symphony
SYM Tonik
SYM X-pro
The characteristics for this Alarm cable hps940 Kymco Agility Fiddle Kymco Sym Mio Sym 4-stroke patrolline are:
type of engine: 4-Stroke
Brand: SYM
When you order this Alarm cable hps940 Kymco Agility Fiddle Kymco Sym Mio Sym 4-stroke patrolline online with us before 09:00 you will receive it Wednesday at home.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer service unit via chat, e-mail or telephone.